Medlock Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement

19 March 2020


As we work together as a team to come through the other side of these uncertain times, we are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees, clients and our supply chain.We are closely monitoring the changing situation and dedicated to minimising impacts to our operations, clients and employees where possible whilst reducing the risk of virus spreading. The measures imposed by the Government are not taken lightly and we are fully engaged with all guidance and developments as they arise.Although this is a worrying time, we urge our clients, employees and industry friends to focus on the planning and prevention with both urgency and calm so we can work together to protect construction staff and plan for possible disruptions if they escalate.Current Operation ControlsAt present we continue to remain operational throughout all current projects, and we have taken all necessary measures to reduce the risk of virus spreading. We have introduced a daily COVID-19 signing in register to confirm operatives do not have any of  the Government advised symptoms before entering sites and additional hygiene controls and guidance have been implemented for all Site Managers. Furthermore, all sites are instructed not to allow any operatives within any boundaries if they are experiencing symptoms such as a fever, coughing and shortness of breath.We have instructed office based teams to work from home and in line with government guidance, meetings are being conducted via videoconferencing or telephone where possible.We will continue to communicate with all parties involved in our operations on a daily basis, updating changes in Medlock procedures and / or Government or Health Authority updates.Following the announcement of school closures as of 20th March, we foresee this will impact individuals in terms of childcare as well as managing virus spreading to loved ones who may be a high risk, but we want to reassure all that we will endeavour to do our best to help where possible in such circumstances.Overall we remain vigilant whilst fully operational and as a company content in the knowledge that we can continue to run with a 100% workforce at this time to deliver our services to all clients. We wish the same for all Medlock industry friends and contractors!Looking AheadIt’s promising to hear some positive advice on some social media news bulletins of medical experts expecting to see improvements throughout the UK over the next couple of weeks – but for now we will maintain our strict controls at tackling the virus head on.As a company we understand the importance of Directors and Management Teams being proactive in mitigating foreseeable risks, our employees, clients and stakeholders are our main priority right now and we will continue to issue updates when appropriate




Medlock Support Mental Health Awareness