Full Steam ahead at Station South…..

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Medlock has embarked on a fantastic regeneration project to re-purpose Station South, a former Victorian railway station that closed back in 1958.

Delivering the project for a grassroots social enterprise company, the project has been funded by a multitude of grants from the likes of the Railway Heritage Trust, Sport England and over 1100 individual crowd funders. The big vision includes the creation of a destination cycle café, bar and meeting space for the local community.

Located on the A6 at the heart of Levenshulme village, the disused railway track is part of the ‘Fallowfield Loop’, the UK’s longest urban cycleway. Station South will be a connection point for off-road cyclists, dog-walkers, ramblers, wildlife enthusiasts and locals to socialise in the historically significant station building.

Friends and supporters of the community interest company see this regeneration project not only as a celebration of the areas rich heritage but a major boon for Manchester’s rich cycle culture.

It will be a vibrant place of leisure for the neighbourhood, abundantly social and inclusive, and run by people committed to delivering a healthier and happier place for all.


New Facilities completed at Hugh Baird College


The Riverside Inn, Cound, Shrewsbury