Full steam ahead at The Hydro Hotel!

29 September 2020


We’re pleased to bring you a fresh update on our progress at The Hydro Hotel in Lake Windermere. We are now halfway through our 11-month contract and couldn’t be happier with the progress being made. Our full refurbishment and transformation is starting to take shape and our project teams are giving their all to make this impressive, grand project a reality. 7 Hospitality Management, our client and the management company of The Hydro Hotel, recently visited the site, saying: “Every time we go and visit The Hydro Hotel in Windermere, we get more and more excited about the progress being made!” “We cannot wait to open the doors to this amazing hotel in Spring next year and for everyone to see the incredible transformation of this Lake District property.” Very little is being left untouched by Medlock’s expert staff, with everyone involved working hard to fully transform this 1881 property into a must-visit site. And from the main construction to final, decorative touches, we’re committed to providing a thorough, premium refurbishment that will give this hotel the impressive feel it deserves. And, despite the challenges of the year so far, we’re thrilled to say everything so far is going perfectly to plan! [custom_show_gallery]


Let’s hear you roar for The Lion in Malpas!


The Wicket Gate swings open again!